Circular Saw Blades

If you can't find the right size TCT blade you are looking for from our online tool shop or have any queries please contact us on
Showing all 10 results

Freud FR23M001M Universal Mitre Saw Blade 250x30x2.4mm 48T


Freud LCL6M01062 Trim Saw Blade165 x 1.7 x 20 x 24T


Freud LP20M 011P Circular Saw Blade


Freud LP30M019P 216x30 48T Circular Saw Blade


Freud LP30M025P 250x30 40T Circular Saw Blade TCT


Freud LP40M 015 Cross Cutting Saw Blade 190 X 30 X 40T


Freud LP40M 026P Circular Saw Blade for Solid Wood 160 x 20mm x 48T


Freud LP60M 006P for Solid Soft/Hard Wood 305mm x 30 x 2.8 x 96T


Freud Pro 180x30 24T Circular Saw Blade TCT (FR09W003H)


Freud Pro LP40M013P General Purpose Saw Blade 190 X 16 X 40T
