If you can't find the measuring tool product you are looking for from our online tool shop or have any queries please contact us on info@toolsource.ie.
Faithfull Depth Gauge with Protractor A versatile tool that allows the angle and depth to be measured simultaneously. The protractor features deep etched graduations 0 - 180 degrees in opposite...
FAITHFULL FAIBLREEL BRICK LINE ON SPOOL -75 METRES Faithfull Brick Line which is stored on a rotating spool that doubles as a handle and incorporates a spike for pushing into...
Faithfull Fibreglass Long Tape 50M These fibreglass long tapes feature a 15mm wide EC class 3 measuring tape clearly marked in both metric and imperial measurements. The fibreglass tape is...
Faithfull Folding Square 600mm (2ft) The Faithfull Folding Square is a heavy-duty aluminium construction folding square with 90° and 45° angles for greater versatility. Ideal for use when laying floors,...